Sustainable Farming Incentive Update

Published On: June 13th, 2024Categories: Uncategorized

The Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI) pays farmers and land managers to take up or maintain sustainable farming and land management practices that:

  • protect and benefit the environment
  • support food production
  • improve productivity

These practices are referred to as ‘SFI actions’.

You can apply for an SFI agreement if:

  • you’re a farmer or land manager with ‘management control’ of the land you want to enter into an agreement
  • your land is eligible for the SFI actions you select

The sustainable SFI has now been up and running for nearly 12 months and provides replacement funding for farmers as the Basic Payment Scheme is phased out by 2027.

We have successfully completed lots of varied applications and have obtained funding levels of up to £40,0000.00 per annum for farms of approximately 250 acres for the 3-year agreement period.

There are an increasing range of actions for farms with both arable and grassland options, but careful consideration needs to be given to the practical management implications of each action.   The issues more complicated in a ‘landlord and tenant’ situation where the obligations of each party need to be clearly agreed and documented which often requires a new agreement to be drafted.  In some instances it may be prudent to start slowly and add in additional actions as cropping rotations and business models allow.

We are on hand to help consider the relevant SFI actions that will compliment or enhance your business and can provide management support during your agreement.  If you would like to discuss further please contact Ellen Plowright –

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