Transport for the North

Published On: February 26th, 2019Categories: News


Transport for the North – a partnership consisting of 20 local transport authorities and business leaders, together with Network Rail, Highways England, HS2 Ltd, and Central Government – have published their proposals for £100 Billion of transport investment to support and develop the economy of Northern England and North West Wales over the next 30 years.

£39 Billion of spending is earmarked for the Northern Powerhouse Rail proposals with a further £70 Billion to fund associated infrastructure improvements throughout the regions.  Whilst the detail of the proposals will remain confidential, whilst considered by Government, the North’s leaders have now issued clear statutory advice.

Land and property owners should start to engage with these high-level proposals as early as possible. There will be a range of impacts within each of the seven Strategic Route Corridors where new developments and re-development will need to be accommodated.  We expect to see a raft of different proposals that will include compulsory acquisition of land and property rights coming forward in the coming months and years.

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