Energy & Infrastructure
The team at Wilson Fearnall are specialist independent advisers on a broad range of energy and infrastructure matters. We have gained extensive experience across a wide range of projects the length a breadth of the UK.
Renewable Energy
As the energy sector continues to evolve at pace there will be significant challenges and opportunities to land and property owners in the coming years.
We can provide expert support on local installations at farm or business level and can manage involvement in nationally significant projects.
Option and Lease Negotiations
If you have been approached to host a third-party development or are considering your own renewable energy project we are here to help.
Having advised on well over a gigawatt of option and lease agreements for onshore and offshore wind and solar developments we understand the importance of capturing the detail of the relationship from the outset.
Site Assessment, Development and Promotion
If you have land or buildings that you think might be a suitable location for an energy generation project we can evaluate the key constraints and assess the most suitable size and scale of scheme to take forward. If you are looking to invest in your own scheme we can provide the full range of support from grid connection, planning, construction, energy sales and maintenance. Should you not want to actively promote a project yourself we are able to offer the opportunity to a wide range of experienced developers to ensure you secure the right partner on the best terms.
Planning and Project Management
Preparing and implementing a planning application for a renewable energy project is a complex process and requires detailed interaction with a variety of important stakeholders.
We can provide complete or part services to support the delivery of your project including at representation at appeals and public enquiries.
Infrastructure Services
There are an ever-increasing number of organisations already utilising, or seeking to acquire, rights over third party land and property. A mixture of private, public and corporate bodies are improving and developing new infrastructure across the entire UK as the population rises. Road and rail schemes, power lines, gas pipelines, water pipes and energy projects are all competing to use and increasingly congested and finite land resource across our island.
The legislation and statutory frameworks for consenting and operating new infrastructure is complex and diverse.
As experts in compulsory purchase and compensation, we are able to ensure that landowners affected by an emerging project have their interests protected to ensure the best possible outcome.
We encourage early engagement with statutory undertakers and promoters in order to clearly communicate any issues or concerns at the very outset of a project.
This allows both parties sufficient time to consider alternative solutions to problems that are envisaged during construction and operation.