Prime Minister launches consultation on new planning rules to get England delivering more homes
The Prime Minister Theresa May has today announced the start of consultation on proposed changes to the National Planning Policy Statement with the aim of delivering more homes across the UK. There are also a number of changes proposed to support businesses and Town Centres.
Whilst the principle of lower house prices may be broadly welcomed by her electorate, increasing supply will always prove contentious at the micro level. Unless significant improvements in infrastructure delivery accompany new houses inherent NIMBY’ism may well remain. The courts and crowded council chambers are likely to continue as the main battle grounds for underfunded Local Authorities and commercially driven House-builders for some time to come, but at least decision makers will have more clear detail on which to base their decisions.
To read more on the proposed changes and to provide feedback to the consultation click here. The consultation closes at 11.45 pm on 10th May.