The Environment Agency – What to expect in an EA inspection

Published On: June 13th, 2024Categories: News

The Environment Agency has recently recruited 84 agricultural Regulatory Inspection Officers to inspect farms and support farmers to protect the environment.

The country has been divided into river catchments, with farms designated into areas depending on which river catchment their land sits in. Inspections are then being scheduled on farms in the most polluted river catchments first.

Inspections will focus on the following compliance documents:

  • Nutrient Management Plan*
  • Soil Samples*
  • Drainage Plans
  • NVZ Records

The on-farm inspection will look at:

  • Fuel storage facilities
  • Silage Clamps*
  • Slurry Storage*
  • Farmyard and muck stores*
  • Fields (runoff and slopes)
  • Yard drainage*
  • Chemical storage
  • Pesticide Handling Areas*

*did you know there are grants available for each of the items indicated

The EA inspectors aim to advise farmers on how to reduce pollution.

Where issues are identified inspectors will work with farmers to come up with solutions and an action plan to complete work.

There are lots of grants available to assist with the cost of capital infrastructure work.

If you have applied for a grant but works are yet to be completed this will be accounted for.

Top Tip: If you are planning on building a new slurry store or silage clamp, plans now have to be approved by the Environment Agency as part of the planning process. As well as approving applications, the EA will also feed into your design process to ensure what you build is compliant and future-proof.

At present there are grants available to get your farm to comply with the legislation, it is a good idea to get compliant now while there is funding available, instead of being left to get compliant once the grants have run out, and the EA take a harder line.

If you need any assistance either in the run up to an inspection or getting your farm infrastructure in order, do get in touch here.


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