Utility services

Published On: September 9th, 2019Categories: Case Studies

Alongside our work supporting major infrastructure projects Wilson Fearnall are also on hand to provide specialist services for all types of utility connection and diversion work, large or small. Our team have been involved in the delivery of new water, electricity, telecoms and gas supplies to a range of developments including solar farms, wind farms, residential and commercial developments and with upgrades and diversions to existing services.

As well as landowners, developers and construction companies we offer experienced support to Distribution Network Operators (DNO’s) Independent DNO’s (IDNO’s) Independent Connection Providers (ICP’s) Offshore Transmission Operators (OFTO’s) and Mobile Network Operators who need to obtain the necessary consents and land rights for the installation or diversion of new or existing apparatus.  From initial route assessment through to the conclusion of construction the experienced team at Wilson Fearnall provide support to mitigate the delivery risks and project delays that are so often a result of interactions with third parties over Wayleaves, Easements, Leases, Licences, Protective Provisions and other commercial agreements.

The team has significant expertise in the negotiation of complex third party agreements with national stakeholders including National Grid, Highways England, the Canal and River Trust, the Crown Estate, the MoD and Network Rail.  We have also been involved with numerous offshore projects and those requiring major tunnelling works to avoid surface issues in built up areas or significant environmental constraints.  Not only are we experienced in the broad range of statutory regimes that provide powers for Compulsory Acquisition of land or specific rights, but are also accomplished at achieving negotiated settlements and compensation where powers do not exist.

If you a require support with any land rights associated with utility services please do not hesitate to get in touch to see how we can help.