WRAP on farm AD Grant now available
The On-Farm Anaerobic Digestion Fund has been developed to help farmers in England get financial support to build small-scale AD plants on their farms. The fund is aimed at installations of up to 250kW that will run predominantly on farm manures rather than rely heavily on energy crops grown on land currently used for food production.
The Fund is split into two parts:
- Stage 1 – a £10,000 grant to explore the feasibility and prepare a business plan alongside the existing business;
- Stage 2 – a capital loan of up to £400,000 of the project costs (max 50% funding).
As well as the usual issues to consider such as planning and permitting limitations, technology choice, grid connection and PPA type the overall financial viability of the project must be considered carefully. Any limitations placed on the amount and type feed-stock used will significantly effect the overall energy output.
Wilson Fearnall are able to provide specialist support and advice throughout the project from feasibility through to operation.