The Future of Food

Published On: February 26th, 2019Categories: News


Robots, vertical farms and virtual fencing could soon be part of the British farming landscape, according to a trailblazing report to be launched at the NFU Conference on 19th February.

The Future of Food 2040 Report highlights the importance of establishing a future domestic agricultural policy that enables the farming industry to increase its productivity, profitability and resilience in the future. This will be crucial for businesses to thrive in an increasingly volatile world.

The report looks 20 years beyond Brexit to how Britain will evolve socially, technologically and environmentally. It explores how changing trends will impact food production, exploring what we’ll be eating, how we’ll be buying it and how food will be produced.

The report can be downloaded here and makes for some thought provoking reading.

Wilson Fearnall are on hand to support with a broad range of rural business matters, grant applications and planning and diversification proposals.  We firmly believe that the changes ahead will bring opportunity, but it will be crucial to keep up to speed with developments in technology, policy, markets and trends to remain at the front of a very competitive pack.

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